In the book Feed, each chararter had a very unique name. I think the reason why Anderson chose these name because each one represent each character. For example Link, who look just like Abraham Lincoln and that how you could tell why he got the name Link. Another example you would find is, the name Violet is more like a organic name. What i think is that Anderson want wach character name to tell each chararcter personality. Each chararcter name also represent the world they live in. You could tell when you see the name Violet is more organic and people who into just not into tecnolgy. Compare this to how Titus the main character of Feed, he live in a world were he could get anything he want. This could also be why Anderson chose these name for each character.
In this sentence, "We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck," this tell us that Titius and his friend must had went to the moon more then once. It also tell us that the moon is a place where probably all teen went just like we teen go to like the mall or other popular place. This sentence sep up the novel in a way that make you go like "What the heck is going on." It also make the novel set up make it sound as the moon was like nothing but trash, but then the moon was full of trash which was like flying every where. Which connecting me back to class, i find that if we consumed to much wouldn't are trash be like the trash that was in Feed up in the moon. What i mean is that wouldn't everything we consumed become nothing and is being like trash that one leave behind floating somewhere. This sentence sep up the story like many thing are going to occur. Just like when Titus and his friend got hacked.
In Feed, Titus and his friend went to the moon at louge for Spring Break, compare to my Spring Break it would had been pretty much not the same at all. Wow I mean this kids went to the moon wow that amazing. I would had envision my Spring Break of doing what most teen would do. Like sleep and maybe play outside and oh yea eat alot . But when comparing what i would envison my spring break to Feed, they would be some what the same. I mean in Feed they go to place where most teen go just like what we teen would do during are spring break. Also people seem want to find some one to hangout with or a lover, just like when Titius was looking for a lover. But when you think about it every teen does different things to have fun either having to do with even drug. So when comaparing my spring break to Feed they're only about some what the same. Because each teen had their own personality which connect to what they would do.
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