Describe the writer's voice. Is it apealing? Which aspects of Marji's character do you identify with or like the most, the least? Did your reaction to the girl afect your reading experience?
The vioce of the writer's is best to describe as a more alive vioce and one who have gone through a stuggle. Im not really sure how would you really describe the writer's vioce in Persepolis. Im would have to thing this farther more. I like the most about Marji's Character is that she always into like politice and she into helping her people and wanting to knoe even more. But then the least that make me don't like her that much is that she wonder to much and like what she see god weird. I think that the picture just get to me about Marji's character. Through out the story i did have these reaction about this girl. It was all like seeing what she went through and what the thing was how she did still stay strong to the very end. Even if there is still more that is going to come or is happening. But what got me the most was that she really did want to stood up for her country and for a girl at that age to do that is like a jump to me. It really also get me a question to myself is that "would i also do that for my country," it made me think i would even have the engery to do that i would be some what not into it at all. But then this is my own opinoin on the the main character in this story.
What is the role of women in the story? Compare and contrast the various women: Marji, her mother, her grandmother, her school, neighbors, gurardians of the revoultion.
The role of women in this story was that girl was to stay home and do the house work and also barely had any right of there own. To compare this to mans they had little right and not much the same as a mans would. Man on the other hand can speak of what they want or what they say which other people would also give them respect and would listen to. Both gender had there own right but man are the one that have the most. Ccomparing this to the people that Marji's see aroung aspecial women, they are give law and rule to be follow or to be punish. Just as thing change in the story, Marji family, friend, neighbors, and stranger that are women had new rule to follow as thing keep on happening. Right now it seem as there still things that are still happen right at this moment were woman in Iran or anywhere in the middle east are going through many changest. Have to much in mind to say but ima leave it here for today.....
In what ways is "Persepolis" both telling a story and commenting on the imporatance of stories in our lives? What does the book suggest about how stories shape and give meaning to our experience? Discuss some of the stories in "Persepolis" - Uncle Anoosh's story, her grandmother's story, Niloufar's story.
In Persepolis it also does tell us a importance and truth to our lives. It tell us the truth of what a war or stuggle can do to a girl or even to us. It give us a change and make our lives, different and also a change to us and that change that shape us to. But as right now there are still much that are going on things that make us different, our are past and the experience that shape us. Each and everyone are shaped differetly just because of our experience, but if you think about it our experience had connection to other people to. Those that are around mayalso have the same experince as you. In Persepolis, Uncle Anoosh's story shaped him and mad him who he is. Is something that is a part of what make him different is through this experience. Like even if her life his wife and kids who were Russian, it made him have a different view of people. Experience are all different but it shaped everyone.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Posted by EllA at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
"Why do you think this genre is so popular? why did Satrapi chose this format in which to tell her story? What does the visual aspect add that a conventional memoir lacks? Have you read other graphic memoris? How does persepolis compare to other comic and books? Would you call this a comic book or does it transcend this and other categories? Where would you place this book in a book story? With memoris, comic books, current event?
The reason i think that this genre is a popular one is that, is had a better understand to the reader and also give the reader a visual already. It also give a reader a way of understand the face and feeling of the character. I think the reason that Satrapi chose this format is that it give the reader a different way of reading a novel then with a million word. When one picture already tell a million word. The visual add an aspect of a memoir lack, when not much of the text tell the story. To tell the truth this is the first grapic memoris, but it would a interesting things to read more and see the different way other author would write there grapic memoirs. Also how they going to draw the picture that are different from Satrapi. Comparing Persepolis to other comic and books, is that comic are always short and book are like long and so on and so for. But for graphic novel are more like a story with picture that set the story out. I would call this a graphic novel kidding i most likely not going to call this a comic because like i say comic was like short and not long as a graphic novel. If I would to put this in a book story i would but it in the hisorty section. The reason is that it had some history and also of a person pass.
How does Satrapi Challenge this myth? How does Persepolis dispel or confirm your views on Iran? In what ways does reading this book deepen your understanding and knowledge of Iran, and current situation in Iraq?
I think that the way she challenge this myth is to give what people think and turn it to be the truth behind it all. But also it give the opinion of what girl gone through and what thr truth she want to tell. I think after reading this book it give a different point of view of Iran. It teach mean so dark history and information that tell me what can a girl done at the time. It would make you think why and what the main reason of doing so. But it really don't give me a bad view or anything just that there information that help me understand the history. The knowlege of Iran teach me wat is going on right now in Iraq, which give out why this going on. It was because of the geographic that made most of there situation acurred.
How is Persepolis oranized and structured? What has Satrapi chosen to emphasize in her childhood? How is the passage of time presented. Describe Satrapi's drawings. How do the drawing. How do the drawings add to the narrative of the story?
Persepolis is organized and structure by the way the narrator think and talk about. I think that mainly is about how each things the narrator talk about and express. Satrapi chosen to emphasize her childhood base on what main things happen to her. Along with what she saw and think at the time a child would see the world as. The time in Persipolis are presented in what main things that happen or had occured to the narrator. The way the drawing is set is that it show expersion and the way people feel and the history that tell through each drawing. I also show what one person opinion is. The drawing add the narrator story a better way understandign along with text. Since the text only say alittle, it give the picture another way of telling the story as well.
Posted by EllA at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
"FEED" Final Project....."REFLECTION"
>What does your "FEED" contain and why?<
My "Feed," would mainly conatin my indiviual things. It wouldn't be like just one simple group, like for example a punky girl or a funky girl. I wouldn't be in a group or have a title that make me the same as every one. Maybe on wat my though say about me and not wat a machine things of me. The feed for wouldn't like organize me into something im not. Just like Titius and his friend.
>What does this say about and how does this define American culture and identity?<
What this say about the American culture is that we are all pretty the same, mainly what we want and see. We American are greed and aways want more and mainly can have less. This also define AMerican culture as a consumerism group, who don't knoe and expect of what they are buying. American culture can be define also buy what are media and social play a role in our live. You can say that we are indentity to consumerism, which pretty much sum up what American are.....Will that wat i would say it really depended on the person ....
>What are the social implication of technology use, consumerism or anti-consumerism? Are these good, bad? Is is okay to resist?<
The social implication of technology are use comsumrism, because it what get to the people. There are pro and con because it really depended base on wat is use and what are being consumed. Some of the pro can either one the things that some people agree to it or not just like for con. It really depend if we could resist it or not base on our personality and what we want and need of the good. Base upon what are there that we need or that please us.
> How does media, consumerism, reliance on technology, and/ or popular culture personally affect you? Do they mold us, or us them?<
I think it doesn't affect me that much, but maybe some of them does at some point. Because popular does affect us human the most we want what are cool and everyone having it. It does have some kind of affect on me but i do have my own personal though and what i want and need. Also me wanting to be different from other people. These thing does mold us and we do mold them as well, because with out us then they would be like that and same go to us. So we all do just mold one another to get what people get to personality.
>How does it impact you ? Define you? What does it say about your personal habits, your individuality?<
It really don't give me any sort of impact. Define me, will im pretty not sure how can define me, because im define in any group. But all i could say is im a human with a mind of is own. What does it say about me and my personality will , base upon what i do and what make me who iam and me a different human. Everyone individuality are different we are all not the same and always would not be . Just like even if you are twins you guy would never be the same in mind and personality.
> If there is a moral to the story, what is it? How does Anderson convey this moral?<
For me i think there is a moral to this story. I think the moral is that is based on the character mood and it get back to Violet personality. The way Anderson convey this moral is i think the way each character personality or individually are. He might have make it as the different each person is with a feed or not.....
-ima get back to this once i think be continue....ASAP
>Are people anything without the feed, in the world of the story?<
The people are nothing with out the feed, because they all grew up having that so it would be like weird without it. They would all be like bored and nothing. The world and feed would be like an empty world with people all doing stupid thing just trying to have some fun and they would maybe do stupid things. Just like when Titius and his friend did when the got hacked, like acting stupid and dorky.
Posted by EllA at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Visual Essay "FEED"

CONSUMERISM: the protection of the rights and interests of consumer, especially with regard to price, quality, and safty.

Posted by EllA at 7:11 PM 0 comments