CONSUMERISM: the protection of the rights and interests of consumer, especially with regard to price, quality, and safty.

-How do the image tell a story, represent your theme?
Each picture could tell you how consume effect our life each and every day. The theme of these picture is consumerism. As you can see all these picture what we see make us want to buy and then use money as nothing. Because to use we use money to make us happy but at we consume more the less we care what we buy. Then that would lead to how money would become useless. If you look at the picture with the man in the street look as he was crazy, but look at all the sign of all the thing corporation want him to buy. Each picture tell a story of people of America and all over the world using money to pursue their pleasure.
-What's message? What do th picture say?
The message that these picture is that when we are surrounded by all these advertisment and commerical we get influence by either people we admire or people that make sense to us. But the message of these picture tell us that the thing that we we buy would make us happy or either make us something that is close to being perfect. These five picture tell us how much are environment make us become what we are as concumerism.
-Why did you choose the images you did, what are their importance, implications and influence?
The reason why i have choose these images is because these stand out and tell us what consumerism is and the mean of it. Another reason is that is make as if th world is like just money like we would just use up and, as if we can buy another one. The importance of each picture is that it show a different side of consume and the influence. For example is the picture with a lady with all these shoe and boxs, it tell us that we consume so much that we some time forget the vaule of money. We are mostly seem to be influence by cartoon and things that stand out which draw us to it and without notice we buy it. Corporation make thing that make us want to get is because the color and or even popular people.
-What are the applications or use of, understandings and vaules of some combination of the text themes that you have developed and/ or experienced over your life time?
There really is a thing to say when i ahev developed these i mean i see media and things that influence me. I see alot that would make want to buy it but at time when your like broke you some time even barrow just to get something that what we call, " PLEASURE." I hear many things that influence but then i tempt to just not thing about it at all. It really depended on the person. I use to shop like crazy but once you learn the truth you stop shopping like a freak. If it was other people they would want to buy thing that make them seem just like other. But to me i do things that other don't do i like to be just me not like some other girl. So media don't really have much influence on me as much only if im like bored. i choose to fo things on my own i really don't like being always influence on doing something that is not really me.
- How have you develped these?( where, how, who helped you?)
Mainly how, where, and who, actually it been like since ever i guess. i mean when you first enter the world you pretty much want to have things and get influence as you grow. so there really isn't really a time when this start or even end. Were human we always will want thing and have pleasure and doing so.
-What are your feelings about them?
I pretty much wouln't have much feeling, telling the truth here. As this point can't really say much about how things of consumerism affect my feeling or anything. I would really have to get into this deeper. But as i read through "FEED," you would start to see some feeling that thses character have with the feed. But really at the point im kind of really don't knoe you can say im confused.
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